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Let Love In


Love is like water - it ebbs and flows, it destroys, it renews, it cleanses and transforms. It is wondrous, and dangerous, and deep. To succumb to the love that exists in your life is to surrender to this ocean. Love can take form in the smallest of things: a sunset, a phone call, a book or a song. Love exists in every facet - but most of all, the love within you is the most important. Allow yourself to love yourself. And allow others to love you as well - they may speak a different love language than you. If you are guarded, this foreign language might scare you. And when you are unable to let love in, you will run from it by any means.

Think of a diamond - when light shines through it, the light it is translated and transformed into an array of color and pattern unlike another. We are each a diamond, and love is shone through us in different ways. Some people’s expression of love might look different than yours, but it doesn’t mean they feel it any less. Understanding what your love language is, and understanding where your guard is growing from is an important way to learn about yourself. And learning about yourself, appreciating your emotions and who you are is a high form of self love. Practice this self love, and you will always want to move with love.


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