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Don't Let the Light Go Dim


Think about a road that you drive down often. I want you to take notice of your surroundings next time you are driving down that road. Drive a little slower than you normally would. Pay attention to what draws you in the most. Now I want you to go for a walk down that road. Again, take notice of your surroundings. Do you feel more in-tune with what is going on around you? Do you notice more details about your surroundings than you did while in the car? Do you feel like you are more present? What kind of thoughts does this evoke?

It’s as if you are experiencing this road in a whole new light. You are in a different perspective. Now think about this compared to the bigger picture, to life itself. What little things can you change to view things in a different way? To open yourself up to new perspectives and gain a better understanding of things? To reconnect yourself to things that have become mundane or “regular” to you.

Experience life in a new light. Don’t let the light go dim.


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